Can't believe we are almost to the end of our 12 month sticker set! (said with a pouty face)
This month Hudson is on the move. He is a fast crawler and loves to pull up, let go, and do what we like to call the "trust fall". He just falls backwards and laughs so hard when we catch him or he falls on us. Luckily we are usually there to catch him but tonight he tried it in the bath tub so I think we are going to have to say "no no" to the random falling. I am not sure if he has had his first "official word" yet but he has been very vocal this month. He loves to say "ah ah"and point at the lights to get us to turn them off and on. He waves "bye" and moves his mouth but only sometimes the "ba" sound comes out at the same time. He says "duh duh duh" whenever he sees the dogs. He says "ma ma" and "da da" and seems to understand what they mean but usually just screams when he needs one of us. (He is very impatient like his daddy) He recently started saying "uh oh" and loves to sing and hum when he is playing. His favorite toys are his push car but prefers riding to pushing, Zach's guitar, pots, a random plastic disc, and the formula scoop. His top two teeth are almost all the way through! He still hates falling asleep but has been sleeping through the night (around 7:30pm until 6 am) for the last week (I thought this day would never come!) I am amazed daily when I get his report card from daycare that says "I napped from 11:55 to 12:05" or something similar to that. What baby goes ALL day without napping?! He is such a funny little guy and seems to love to make people laugh. He LOVES music and will stop to dance whenever he hears a new song. Let me tell you...he has some moves and some soul in that little body of his.

It is a little hard to see the "11 month" but he was happy as he could be sitting outside in the leaves so I didn't try to move him too much.
Cracking himself up..
"Blue Steel"
I was surprised that he sat longer than 2 seconds in the leaves.
Sticks!! Coolest toys ever!
Looks like he lost his dentures :)