Lindsey and Harper came by to visit this weekend and Hudson loved having a little playmate around. They played in his ball pit, he pushed her in his car, shared his puffs, and showed her his dance moves. Well, Harper loves to give kisses and she was very anxious to plant a few on Hudson. Hudson was not quite sure what was going on but he seemed to think it was all pretty funny. We caught a few of the kisses on camera. :)
Playing in the balls
Showing off his Grover puzzle piece. His newest word this week is "Grover". Another new word today was "cookie"(AKA: Graham crackers) Two of his favorite things!
Pretty Harper
Here are a few other things going on around our house:
Roscoe thinks that Hudson's chair is just right for him. haha
Hudson is giving good hugs lately and is loving his bear.
He loves to swing so we are very thankful when it is warm enough to get outside.
Loves the slide!
He is learning about all the cool spot on the playground.
His funny little move that he does when he is excited.
Checking out what the other kids are doing.
Hudson has officially taken his first few steps but I wouldn't call him a "walker" just yet. They broke the news to me at Hudson's daycare this week that they will be moving him up to the one-year old classroom. I don't know who is more sad about this, me or his favorite teacher Mrs. Maria. He LOVES his Mrs. Maria and I have a feeling that this transition is going to be rough. I mean, they sit at a regular table with chairs to eat and they have mandatory nap time for 2 hours on a MAT! What?! My baby can't sleep on a mat yet? Oh man this is going to be so hard on mommy. So far they have let him visit the one-year old class for 30-45 minutes each day this week and I think he has cried during two visits. Currently, he is the "big boy" by about 6 months in the infant classroom so being around all the older walking kids seems to be a little intimidating. He should be fully transitioned by the end of the month. :( Say a little prayer for us!

This is a pretty funny face he is making but please note that he is actually clapping! The funny story about this is that I have been trying to get him to clap for months. We sing "If you are happy and you know it" every day, play patty cake, and clap when he does anything cool but he just laughs and does not even attempt to clap. Well, we were hanging out with the family in Greensboro Monday night watching the Betty White 90th birthday celebration on TV and it was way past Hudson's bedtime. All of the sudden the crowd on the TV show started clapping and Hudson just started clapping up a storm. He has been doing it every day since then. Little stinker. :)