
Along with everyone else in this country this week, I have shed lots of tears and said lots of prayers.  The pain that those families in CT are feeling is hard to imagine.  I have held by babies tighter this week. I read a few extra stories and sang a few more songs to Hudson even though it was past his bedtime. I rocked Luke to sleep and let him sleep on me even though my pediatrician says that I should lay him down before he is asleep. I have also had some major anxiety about being in public places.  I know it isn't possible to protect my family from everything but I just pray that I never have to experience anything like what those poor families are going through and I will try to go about my days reminding myself that even with all of the evil that is out there, there is still so much good in this world.  

This week I officially resigned from my position at UNC so that I could take a stab at a new career of taking care of Luke and Hudson at home.  It was a tough decision for me.  Although I want nothing more than to spend more time with my boys it was hard leaving a job and co-workers that I really love. I worked too hard to get my doctoral degree for this career to be over but for now I am just taking some time off to do what is best for our family.  I am more exhausted at the end of everyday than I ever was working full-time but I am so thankful that I have this opportunity and so thankful for a supportive husband and family who are always willing to help.

Luke is 11 weeks old and he was 13lbs 10oz when I weighed him last night. He is wearing size 2 diapers and almost too big for 0-3 month clothes. He will not really take a paci even though I try desperately at night to give him one.  He does not like taking a bottle from me.  Hudson could have cared less as long as he was getting food! :)  He is becoming more alert and smiles all of the time.  I can't say it enough, he is such a good baby.  Maybe I am just comparing him to poor Hudson who had colic but I think Luke is just so chill.  

Hudson continues to crack me up everyday.  Here are a few funny things he said this week:

He was leaving to go to Lowes with Zach on Saturday morning:
Me: "See ya later." 
Hudson: "Have fun!" (because I usually say that to him) "That's what I'm talkin' about!" (Zach says this  a lot so I guess Hudson has picked up on it.

When he was riding in the car with Zach listening to music:
Zach: "What did you do today Hudson?"
Hudson: "No"
Zach: "No what"
Hudson: "No talking Daddy."

He is not afraid to compliment himself.  He likes to say, "Good Job Hudson" and will remind me to say,  "I'm so proud of you" after he goes to the potty if I forget.   While he was singing yesterday he stopped mid-song to say, "I a good singer!" and "I play drums good!"

When he bumped his leg getting out of the car he said, "I hurt my knee, Oh goodness!"

Whenever I tell him that he can have a treat he stops me and says,  "No medicine right now" and says it like he is just making sure because recently when he had an ear infection he was on antibiotics for over  a month and I always gave him a treat after he took the medicine. :)

He has recently started saying, "I'll do it in the morning." If I ask him if he wants to go somewhere or do something.  Ex: Me: Hudson do you want to go the store with mommy?" Hudson: " I go to the store in the mornin'"  I think he is doing this because he usually asks for things while he is laying in his crib trying to go to sleep and I always say something like, "We can do that in the morning." :)

These are just a few of the things that keep me laughing.

Luke at 11 weeks with his serious look.
Getting more trunk control

 I can't get over how different they look. This is Hudson at 11 weeks.  Luke has so much more dark hair and his eyes look green.  Poor Hudson got my skin tone but I think Luke has more olive skin like Zach. 

Hudson at 11 weeks

I took Hudson last week to kids night at Chick filet.  He got to make reindeer food and Christmas cookies then listen to Christmas stories.  He loved it but did not love the cow mascot dressed like Santa. Now whenever I talk about making Christmas cookies he says, "no cow"

 Putting on his favorite sprinkles

 Almost ready for the bumbo.  

Over it.

Luke was doing a really good job rolling over on his side tonight.  I caught a little of it on video.

Interview with Hudson 23 Months

I can't believe Hudson is almost two!  Sad and happy at the same time.  Sad that it is going by so fast and so happy that he is a happy, healthy, smart, beautiful two year old.  We are so blessed.  Although he is acting like such a two year old by testing us constantly and having extreme tantrums lately I will take those any day knowing that he is growing and thriving and figuring out his way in this world.  There are so many parents who aren't as lucky as we are.  

So it seems that December is going to be a pretty busy month for us with Christmas and Hudson's birthday so close together.  This year just seems so much more busy with the addition of a 2 month old. Taking a baby out shopping during flu season in crowds doesn't seem like a great idea so my Christmas  list is getting checked off slowly. We did manage to get our Christmas tree up and after one broken tree stand it is standing strong.  Hudson is so excited about the seeing the lights this year.  He has also become a big fan of Santa Claus.  I don't think he quite understands what Santa does but he still asks to see him often and likes all of the blow-up Santas in the neighbors' yards.  

We took Hudson to his first Christmas parade last week. It was the (big) ;) Pleasant Garden Christmas parade that I was a part of when I was younger.  He wasn't quite sure about it but he did like the fact that they threw candy from the floats.

Hudson is saying so many funny things lately so I decided to do a little interview with him before he turns 2.  As you can imagine I got some random answers.

What is your favorite color? "Green" 
What does Santa say? "Yo, Yo, Yo"
What is your favorite food? "Ice Cream" and "Chickaflay"
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Time Out"(Can you tell that we are in time out a lot lately?)
What do you want for your birthday?  "bike"  and "purple"
How old are you going to be on your birthday?  "birthday cake" (When I asked again he said, "two!" and held up one finger.) He has started telling me everyday that he is going to get cake on his birthday and he is going to blow out candles and he is two.  He likes to say "Happy Burp-i-day!"
Who is your favorite person? He just smiled and laughed because I don't think he really knows what favorite means yet but I was really hoping I could get him to say "mommy".
What is your favorite song? "Wiggles"(in reality, at the moment I know it is either "Even if it breaks your heart" by the Eli Young band or "Must of had a Good Time" by Parmalee)

When he isn't having a tantrum and not in time out, Hudson really keeps me laughing.  He is not really a quiet child and talks all of the time.  The things he says remind me how fast he is growing up.  This morning for example:  Zach: "What do you want for breakfast Hudson?"  Hudson: "Ummm Guacamole....No, ceri (cereal)!"  Zach: "Do you want milk or water?" Hudson: "Milk please, no coffee"  :)  I also thought it was funny that he told me one morning after a vomiting episode in the middle of the night that he "Spit up on the bed" and "Daddy cleaned the sheets" Thanks Zach for letting me sleep through that.  :)

 unsure about this Christmas parade stuff

 Hiding from something on one of the floats

 Baby Luke didn't get to see much but he enjoyed his time outside anyway.

 Pretending to drum like the drummers in the marching band

 Sharing cereal with Daddy.  He was actually racing daddy to make sure he got the most cereal. Hmm.. just like his daddy.

Daddy is teaching him the important skills in life.

Putting up our first real Christmas Tree.

Luke Is 2 Months Old!

I got a few minutes to snap a few pictures on Saturday when Luke reached the two month mark on Dec. 1.  He went in for his check-up today and is 12lbs 4 oz  and 22 and 3/4 inches long which is around 50th percentile for both.

The doctor told me that once babies are around 12 lbs he expects them to sleep at least 6 hours at night. Haha.. we are not quite there yet.  He has given me a few 4 hour stretches but not 6.  I am just so happy that he is sleeping in general that I that I am not complaining.  Such a change from Hudson who seemed to sleep only 2 hours a day.  Luke has started being awake for longer periods of time and loves to coo and smile if you pay attention to him.  He always smiles at Hudson and his daddy.  Although some of his hair has fallen out he still has a head full of dark hair.  

 He has a very serious look at times.

 Tried to catch his smile on camera.

 Watching Daddy