My Babies Are Growing Up!

The last time I posted Hudson was about to start pre-school and now he has been in school for almost one month!  Here are a few pictures from his first day and week.
 He LOVES his new teachers and classmates and so do we! 

 Snack Time. Hudson's favorite time.

 Before leaving for school.

 Gosh he is cute. ;)

 Hudson likes giving bear hugs but is learning not to choke out his little brother.

 Couldn't really get a picture of the family.

Washing his hands before starting the day.

On the second day he wanted to wear goggles to school. He also brought in a guitar pic for his first "Show and Tell" item.  

 After the first day of school we went to get a hair cut at Sharkey's.  This is the first time he has been to a place with cars and he loved it.  He was actually still long enough to get a real big boy hair cut.  Kind of sad to see the curls falling on the floor.  Yes he picked the pink Barbie Jeep. He loves jeeps of all colors.

Luke went for the muscle car. :)

 I see family band practices in our future. Luke is loving the drums too!

Hudson calls this his "concert".  

Fishing with Daddy at Harper's pond!

 We were so excited that we got to see Parmalee twice in one month!  They were in Greensboro for the fair so we stayed up way past bedtime to watch their concert and hang out.  After the show Scott let Hudson play his drums on the big stage.  Coolest thing ever!  He was banging away and loving every minute of it.  He made Scott go play the keyboard while he took over the drums for awhile.  When I was standing on stage in front of him he told me that I needed to go down in the audience and clap for him because it was too loud up on stage for me and baby Luke. :)

 Hudson and Luke had their first trip to Chucky Cheese with Grandma.  However, if you ask Hudson where we went he will tell you  "Turkey Cheese"  because he thinks that is what it is called. haha. 

 Hudson was a little nervous about getting to close to the performers.  He did want to play their guitar and drums though.

 Here is Hudson deciding what glorious prizes that he wanted for his tickets.  He chose candy, a bracelet, a slinky, and some other random plastic item.  Well worth the $ right?

 Luke really liked this ride and Hudson loved skee ball so that  made me happy! 

 We also went to Krispy Kreme on "Talk like a Pirate Day" to get a free dozen doughnuts.  It was really crowded because the school nearby has a pirate as the mascot so there were lots of pirates in town!

 Luke got to open a birthday present from Nana and Papa and Hudson quickly took it over.  Poor Luke.

 Luke got a turn to drive but Hudson insisted on riding too.

 The Chick-fil-a had pony rides and hayrides on kids night.  Hudson was a little scared about riding if you can't tell by the look on his face.

 "Tattoo like Scott" he called it.  

 Day at Grandma's = sink bath.  He has learned how to turn on the water and is fast so this activity was not as relaxing as we hoped it would be.

 Play date with his buddy Graham on the farm.  He talked about feeding the horses but just wanted to watch and ride/drive the golf cart.

 This is what happens when Dad is sick on Saturday and I am worn out from the week.  The weather was beautiful and luckily we had shipping boxes laying around.  Hudson painted "his garage" for his John Deere tractor.

 Luke just played with the paint jars.
 Hudson spent the day with Grandma and Aunt Becca and he loved getting all the attention for the day. He kept saying he didn't want to come home!

Just hanging out in daddy's guitar case.

 Tried to get some pictures in the 11 month sticker but all he wanted to do was stand up on the rocker or pull the sticker off.  Can't believe that Luke will be one tomorrow!  He is saying "Mama" and "Dada" but reserves "Mama" for when he is tired or hungry.  He is cruising while holding things and holding our hands but not walking yet. He loves trying to get whatever Hudson has and is starting to be more determined about it. He has six teeth and I learned yesterday that he loves pizza.  :)

Sweet baby Luke.  I can call him a baby for one more day!

Here are some random videos from last month of Hudson being Hudson. :)