Independence Day Road Trip

We made our longest drive yet to Washington D.C. to visit Uncle Ron and celebrate 4th of July!  The drive was not too bad and only took about 6 hours with a few pit stops.  We tried to time it so that Hudson would sleep during the ride and for the most part it worked.  We had a great time with my brother and his roommates.  Hudson was the guest of honor of course and loved all of the attention.  He took his first trip to the Air and Space museum.  It was so so crowded because it was 4th of July weekend so he was very entertained with all of the people watching.  We did a lot of our sightseeing by car after that because it was way too hot to walk around outside in the heat.

Hudson had his 6 month check-up today and here are his stats:  weight: 18lbs 10 oz,  height: 27 inches, head circumference: 17.5 inches.  This puts him around the 70th percentile for height and weight!  This week we may start letting him try to eat some finger foods.  So far his favorite food is either squash or pears.  Lately he gets really excited when he sees his toys, especially when he wakes up in the morning.  It is so funny because his body gets very tense and he straightens out his arms and legs and says "haaa haaa haaa" when he sees them.  He also really wants to pet the dogs.  Unfortunately, they all run away when he reaches out for them.  Guess they better do it while they can because I have a feeling they are in for it when he starts walking.

 He loves being naked

This is the look he gets when he sees someone making a bottle across the room. :)
 "Is that what I think it is?"

 Talking to his favorite toy

 Uncle Ron and his "Neph"

 We finally started using the umbrella stroller.  We love it because it is so much lighter and he loves it too.  His favorite thing to do was ride up and down uncle Ron's driveway every evening.

Air and Space Museum 

He was so exhausted from the heat! 

After looking at some baby pictures of Ronnie this weekend we decided that they look a lot a like at his age.  Maybe it is because me and my brother look so much alike. 

 Yes, I realize that if you look closely the shirt says "4th of July 2010".  What can I say? My brother and I love a good deal and it was only 25 cents.  It was still patriotic :)

He loved his pinwheel 

His little smirk cracks me up 

This is his "scared pose".  I think there were fireworks going off and he wasn't quite sure about them. 

Happy Independence Day!


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