8 Months!

Hudson turned 8 months old today! We were hoping that Hudson's Nana was going to be here this weekend to help us celebrate but sadly hurricane Irene caused all sorts of problems and it was too dangerous to be flying into NC this weekend.  We had lots of rain and wind throughout the night in Chapel Hill.  Not long after we woke up this morning the power went out.   Lucky for us Grandma's house is only and hour away so we decided to go there for the night.  So in one week Hudson has experienced a hurricane and an earthquake in NC!

He gets good reports everyday at daycare but has had a cold for over a week now. :(  It is still the hardest thing to leave him every day. They said that he is a happy baby.  He still won't nap for more than about 45 min a day there but hopefully he will get used to sleeping with things going on around him.  He really seems to want to crawl but can't get his legs to cooperate.  He can scoot himself backwards across the floor and then gets frustrated that it gets him further away from the toy instead of closer.  He still loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse, he loves to try to turn around backwards in the car seat to smile at whoever is driving, and he thinks it is funny/scary when we go down the steps in the new apartment.  He grabs onto me like he is scared that we are going to fall and then laughs.  His favorite toys at the moment are a random blue ball with holes in it,  his glow worm, his stacking rings, and an entertainment board that sings songs that I got on sale at salvation army for $1.25!  He is getting better at feeding himself puffs but will only do it if I walk away from the highchair.  He is smart and knows that I will feed it to him if I am standing there if he whines enough.  Apparently he does it all of the time at daycare.  I will have to weigh him later this week to see how much he has grown since last month.

 8 months old..can't believe it

 Two bottom teeth!

So jealous of his long eye lashes.

 Hudson and his daddy

 My mom had an idea to use this picture frame for a prop but I didn't have the right lens or skills to make it work today.  Still cute that we got him tumbling over. :)

 Toes are way better than teething rings.

 Daddy entertaining with toys.

 His model pose.

 He pulled himself up to a standing position today all on his own!

 The face plant is where he gets frustrated with the crawling practice.

Scooting backwards off of the blanket.

Irene's winds blowing his little "old man comb over"

Zach usually takes care of Hudson in the morning while I get in the shower for work.  Well, i guess they got tired of playing drums on the pots and reading so they took a little morning nap before daycare. :) By Friday Hudson is pretty tired since he doesn't sleep at daycare.  We actually had to wake him up to take him to daycare on this day.  It makes it even harder for me to leave for work knowing he is sleepy because I just want to stay home and cuddle with him.


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