Our week started with another visit to our pediatrician on Monday. Hudson had a fever off and on last week and over the weekend and was starting to wheeze. Well, after attempting a nebulizer treatment alone in the office which resulted in the nebulizer mask, cord, and the liquid medicine flying across the room numerous times, we left with an inhaler with a spacer to try at home. Even with both of us holding him down it is a pretty miserable treatment. He looks at us like we are suffocating him and holds his breath because he is crying so hard. The whole point of the inhaler is to breathe in so you can imagine how effective our treatments have been. We went back in for another check-up today and the doctor felt like he was improving so hopefully we won't have to do many more treatments. I can't wait for spring!
When we aren't trying to actually do the treatment he thinks the mask and spacer is a pretty cool toy.
Looks like he knows how to use it.
A little Yoga on the playground
A blurry picture of his "surprised" face that he loves to give.
Chilling in his chair
Still has long hair. No hair cut yet.
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